Alexander Hacke Danielle de Picciotto Blixa Bargeld – Ep. #16

hackedepicciotto are Alexander Hacke and Danielle de Picciotto. Their music and utterly amazing, so check them out as they tour the West Coast the rest of the month. Hacke is also the bass player for Einsturzende Neubauten and has his own solo career. Danielle de Picciotto is also the author of two books The Beauty of Transgression and We Are Gypsies Now.

Blixa Bargeld is the lead singer of Einsturzende Neubauten and was a founding member of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds. This interview is from 2007 from the DwT archives.

Wanna write a novel? Check out Tony’s online class starting March 4th.

And now the show available on iTunesSpotify, Stitcher, and other outlets, or listen to it here:


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